
After working for School District 916 for over 10 years, Tony and Jeannie Jordan were given the opportunity by ACR Homes Inc. to live with six of Jeannie’s former students in an ICFMR.  For 9 years they worked with the provider and family members to help grow, challenge, and further develop the lives of each individual living with them.  In 1990 the Jordan's began the Enrich family, starting their own company, and bringing four of their original six residents with them.  It didn’t take long after the establishment of Enrich’s first home for the Jordan's to be approached by families of former students to open a second.

From the inception of Enrich, the goal has always been to provide the best quality care. Keeping the company small by design was a way to ensure they were meeting the needs of the residents and family members being served. Each home was opened in response to parents approaching the Jordan's directly and asking if they could provide services for their children. The sixth and final home was opened in July of 2001. In each case of opening a new home, the County has been responsive in working through a contract.

The decision to expand has been difficult; the act of increasing size puts at risk the quality of service sustainable within the present systems and homes.  Enrich has firmly decided to no longer open any additional homes, but there has been expansion in other directions.  In January 2001, Enrich began providing Day Time Programming for three residents who chose to not attend their Day Programs.  As of April 2008, this program, now a licensed Adult Day Care (ADC) called the “Funhouse,” has grown to serve ten students of Enrich homes. In December of 2007, Enrich began providing Weekend Respite Services to Adults that live with their parents.  This service can care for three residents per weekend, held at the same site as the weekday Adult Day Care.  We provide work support for six Enrich residents who wanted an alternate option to their day program.

Enrich is an acronym for Enjoy Nurture Relate In Community and Home.  Its philosophy involves the creation of family like structures, in comfortable homes, with a commitment to valuing everyone’s involvement and abilities.  For over 30 years, Enrich has provided the highest quality of services and care; we pride ourselves in the family structure of our homes, our staff, and the relationship with our residents.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­


Jeannie Jordan & Tony Jordan

Our Mission


At Enrich Inc., we are dedicated to elevating the lives of the residents we serve through continuous improvement and attentive care. Our mission extends beyond providing services; it's about creating a supportive ecosystem that thrives on listening, understanding, and responding to the needs and aspirations of our residents and their advocates.

In joining Enrich Inc., you become part of a compassionate team dedicated to making a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve, embodying our mission and philosophy in every action, every day.

Our Philosophy

Rooted in the heart of our approach is the belief that our residential programs mirror a family structure, where every individual is not just a resident but a valued family member. This foundational philosophy ensures that in every Enrich Inc. home, love, respect, and unconditional support are the norms. We don’t judge roles or capabilities; instead, we celebrate each person for who they are, fostering an environment where everyone is cherished.

We hold a conviction that by empowering individuals to contribute to their family and community, we can significantly boost their self-worth and independence. It's not just about creating a space to live; it's about crafting a place where every member can thrive, share, and grow—both individually and collectively. Our goal is to forge a pathway that not only supports our residents in achieving their personal best but also enriches their lives with meaning, dignity, and joy.

At Enrich we train each of our staff to follow the FISH! Philosophy practices. These 4 practices are not simply used as a training technique and then forgotten about. Enrich has put different tools in place to ensure staff have the FISH! mentality each time they step into one of our homes.

BE THERE : Enrich homes are equipped with a personal paper shredder; these shredders are there so staff can write down whatever it may be that is keeping them from fully being there for our residents. The shredding symbolically helps the staff remember that once they walk in the door all focus is on the residents of Enrich.

CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE : Every day staff come to work, they are asked to circle the attitude that best describes their outlook for the day. Some of the options include, excited, thrilled, and stupendous, or for fun, they can get creative and write down their own positive attitude!

MAKE THEIR DAY : Our system is known as a “One Minute Praise”. Staff & residents are praising each other in making a difference in one another’s day. This can be as simple as a resident helping staff clean up after dinner, coming into work with an art project, or going the extra mile and making someone smile; the possibilities are endless. “One Minute Praise” are placed in a FISH BOWL at each Enrich site and then sent out via email!

PLAY : Fun doesn’t happen, it is created! Staff have the opportunity each day to come into one of our homes and create an atmosphere of play. We are serving special people who rely on our energy, enthusiasm, and willingness to go the extra mile every day!

The Enrich inc Training Center is designed to get our staff into the FISH! Philosophy mindset.
We don't just talk about it we live it!

Code of Ethics

1.  First Allegiance is to the people served.
Supports provided: The individual’s  interests, culture, and needs direct our interaction
Advocacy: To assist in having them be heard. To direct the course of their own lives
Make Their Day: Be the person that is missed

2.  Respectful interaction
Respect: Strive to give respect in all interactions with people and things
Values & Biases: Be conscious of your own biases and values that influence your behavior
Be There: Be in the moment with the people around you,  leave life’s distractions out of mind
Ask for Help: Excuse yourself if unable to be respectful, and seek out the correct solution

3.  Confidentiality
Gather information: Directly from the persons served and If need be gather information from qualified person (guardian, Case manager, other staff)
Protect: All persons identifying information
Permission: Release no information to others without

4.  Accountability
Hold yourself and others accountable
Critic your own performance
Model best practice for others
Interrupt any witnessed unethical behavior
Report any suspected unethical behavior