
Enrich inc. provides weekend and weekday Respite Services for Developmentally Disabled persons. Our services are based in the belief that people need stable, nurturing opportunities for self-expression, caring relationships, and the opportunity to develop and enjoy life. 

Enrich inc has two separate Respite programs, one operating Monday-Sunday (24 Hours) and our other operating from 4:00 pm Friday through Sunday evening. Residents staying at Respite enter a "family" structure which provides:
1) A safe and nurturing environment
2) Trained staff
3) Supervision of health and medical concerns
4) Age appropriate interactions, activities, and materials
5) Opportunities to express preferences and make decisions.

Our professional staff and the residents are integrated in a "family" environment, which provides stability, nurturing, and predictability. The stay at Respite also provides the person’s family time to relax and “regenerate”. The staff works with the residents, their families, and case managers to assess the resident's needs, develop structure and expectations in areas such as communication, community integration, domestic skills, and leisure. 

Our Activities Coordinator researches activities and outings that ensure the client is having interesting and fun opportunities to experience.  Each week new plans are created that cater to the needs and interest of our Respite clients.  While they are staying at Respite our staff are trained to identity the clients likes and dislikes to use this information for future visits to better serve them.

Staff: Our primary staff is a Resource Counselor that works directly with the residents and is onsite whenever a resident is on site. Oversight is provided by the Designated Coordinator who will monitor, support, and assist the primary staff.

Respite Program #1: Bed Capacity: 3 Clients
Respite Program #2 (Upstairs): Bed Capacity: 1 Client
Respite Program #2 (Downstairs): Bed Capacity: 2 Clients
Respite Program #3: Bed Capacity: 2 Clients

Placement Procedure: Placements would be made through county case managers.

Funding Source: Program costs can be covered thru wavered services, cadi or private pay.

Future Referrals- County Social Workers should consider the homogeneity of the residents in regards to functioning level, ambulation, and lack of high behavior or medical concerns.

Tours of our Respite home are always available, please visit the contact section for further information.


  • Being parents of a special needs adult, my wife, Donna, and I have had the opportunity to be involved with Enrich through our daughter, Brooke. Brooke has had respite care through Enrich for close to two years. I would like to take a moment to share a few thoughts regarding Enrich. From the very beginning of our involvement, the experience has been nothing but positive. Establishing the initial contacts as well as completing the necessary paperwork went very smooth. Any calls or questions we had were answered promptly. On our first arrival at the home, we were impressed as to how very neat and clean it was. The staff greeted us in a very friendly manner and welcomed Brooke in a very warm and inviting way which made the transition much easier, as Brooke usually has difficulty with transition. We were give a tour of the home and the itinerary for the weekend was explained. Since our initial encounter, things continue to be positive. The physical layout is extremely organized, the activities are well planned, and, the staff are very positive in their interactions with Brooke. They also keep us well informed. Brooke looks forward to her stays at Enrich. She returns home happy, upbeat, more enthusiastic, and looking forward to her next visit. Now retired, but having worked for Ramsey County for over 7 years as a Probation Officer and 30 years as a Child Protection Worker, I have seen and been involved with all types of facilities, group homes,and foster homes. Very, very, few have impressed me as much as Enrich, and, I feel we are very fortunate to have Brooke involved in the program.

    - William Westervelt

  • Our now 32 yr. old Jamon started respite weekends with Enrich over five years ago. Tony and Jeanne along with their staff provide astounding service. Way above and beyond the “call of duty”. Their facilities sparkle. The activities offered in and out of the homes are what any sociable adult would enjoy. Activities are both fun (dances) and useful (grocery shop, cook). Jamon loves his time with them. My experience with group homes, respite and short term care extended to my professional work in mental health. The comparison with many other services is a backdrop to my experience with Enrich’s superior service. Enrich Inc goes way beyond the expected. Jeanne organizes an annual two week trip to Florida’s Disneyworld. Jamon is ecstatic when he get to go! He is also accompanied with his personal care manager - his sister Sarah. That trip is a “trip of a lifetime” every time. They participate in as much of the experience that they can fit. The staff are always safety conscious and fun oriented. What a combo! Thanks - all of you.

    - Dan and Janis Reuter

  • Enrich has made such a huge difference in Jackie’s life, she goes there for the Fun House, has in-home visits and week-end respite. . The staff are so well trained and care for the clients in such a positive manner obviously they enjoy their jobs and add fun into their client’s lives. Jackie looks forward to going there for respite week-ends where she is treated like a VIP. They plan such fun activities. Each client has goals they are working on and Jackie’s is improving her reading skills. She has made big improvements and feels so good about becoming a better reader. Enrich has enriched Jackie’s life so much. They are a provider with excellence, they really go the extra mile for their clients.

    - Sharon Unger

  • Enrich has truly enriched Jonathan's routine. We refer to it as the Vacation House to distinguish how special it is and just for him. He looks forward to his stay there and anticipates all week, "What we do?" We toured the lovely home but let Jonathan decide if he wanted to commit to staying there. He thought about this for several months before working up the courage to give it a try. He was treated so respectfully and enjoyed the variety of activities so much, he wanted to continue going each month. Even on weeks he isn't signed up to stay there, he will ask around 4:00 on a Friday if others are there already, so it continues on his mind. The attendants have always been welcoming and it is nice for him to spend some time with peers. (And, there is this awesome TV!!)

    - Connie Smeby